Guadalupe Sampedro

Guadalupe Sampedro specializes in cyber/data/privacy issues with a focus on fintech, payments, financial services, technology, life sciences and healthcare, media and communications, retail and consumer clients. She has deep experience advising global leaders and managing global projects in these sectors. She also advises clients on complex regulatory matters, such as the interplay between the Payment Services Directive 2 and the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as on a wide range of data protection matters, including binding corporate rules and other international data transfer frameworks. She has significant experience in international data protection from both private practice and in-house perspectives, having previously served as PayPal’s EU data protection officer and privacy director for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. She was responsible for building a global privacy program and leading the process to obtain new BCRs following the complex separation from eBay. Her experience at PayPal gave her a unique opportunity to experience the challenges that global companies face when implementing regulatory changes.

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