London Workshops

Enjoy hands-on, targeted exposure to two different practice areas during
informative and interactive workshops hosted by leading City firms.

Osborne Clarke LLP – The metaverse in the legal landscape

At Osborne Clarke the challenges of tomorrow are the focus of today. By zeroing in on digitalisation, decarbonisation and urban dynamics as the key areas transforming the way we live, work and do business, we’ve been able to hone our knowledge and expertise to the changes that will have the biggest impact for both our clients, and the work around us. Our interactive workshop will give you an insight into the metaverse. Whilst the metaverse doesn’t exist yet, there are many platforms that demonstrate some of the characteristics of a metaverse. Like all tech innovations, applying existing legal frameworks to a new digital landscape brings diverse challenges – join us to find out more.

Trowers & Hamlins LLP – Legal technology and innovation – law firms of the future

In this session we will explore how legal technology and innovation is changing the legal profession, providing insights to what the role of a lawyer will look like in the future, as well as outlining some of the alternative career paths that are now available.

The workshop will cover the latest legal technology and innovative solutions currently being used in large law firms.

Bristows LLP – Patent litigation: a case study

Our interactive workshop will introduce you to a client case study focusing on the industry leading patent and trademark work that Bristows lawyers carryout within the patent litigation and brands, design and copyright teams. We will develop your understanding of how patents and trademarks work, and then use the case study to conduct an infringement analysis. You will then decide how best to advise the client to protect their brand. The session will be led by associates in our patent litigation team and will involve you working together in small groups to obtain the best result for your client. The workshop will give you transferrable skills as well as great commercial awareness insight into how Bristows works which will prove useful in future training contract applications.

Weil, Gotshal & Manges (London) LLP – An introduction and case study on private equity

Weil, Gotshal & Manges is one of the leading US law firms globally, renowned for its private equity practice. It offers comprehensive legal services to private equity firms and investment funds, working on complex transactions and offering strategic guidance throughout the investment lifecycle. In this workshop, lawyers from the firm’s private equity team will discuss their complex and challenging work, offering an understanding into the role of a private equity lawyer, the skills needed, and the exciting work they carry out for Weil’s clients. They will also share their commercial awareness insights from the frontline of their practice areas and how they are working with clients in response to the current financial market. The speakers will also reflect on their career journeys and offer advice to students hoping to follow a similar path.

This presentation is ideal for students curious about the legal side of private equity, those exploring career paths in corporate law, or anyone interested in the intersection of finance and law.

Jones Day – How do you solve a global dispute?

Where would you even begin, settling an argument across borders?

Jones Day’s Global Disputes practice includes more than 200 lawyers located in 27 business centres worldwide.  Join a team from London, led by associates Matt Morrow and Nikita Lysyuk, who will introduce you to the practice of Global Disputes and give you the chance to try your hand at resolving a dispute of the type Jones Day works on.  Inspired by true events, we will lead you through the various stages of dispute resolution and give you an insight into what dispute lawyers actually do. You will work in teams in this interactive session to obtain the best result for your client. The workshop will aim to give you skills to take away with you – and help you decide whether being a disputes lawyer might be the career for you.

RPC – Deep dive into defamation and media law

As the UK’s largest and strongest media defence team, RPC’s media lawyers work to resolve the full spectrum of disputes, from defamation and privacy complaints to data protection, contempt, and reporting restriction issues. We’ve advised on some of the most complex and high-profile media litigation cases in recent years, securing victories for broadcasters facing potential hefty fines and journalists threatened with legal action, as well as Big Tech platforms on a range of their disputes. This workshop will give you an insight into life as a media lawyer at RPC. We will discuss some of the key legal challenges which defendants face, bringing media law to life with an interactive case study. Come along to explore the exciting and ever-changing landscape of media law.

Baker McKenzie – International M&A

With over 13,000 people in 74 offices around the world, Baker McKenzie prides itself on being a truly innovative law firm. In the current climate, that’s never been more important. It also enables us to go above and beyond for their clients, collaborating across borders, markets and industries. During this presentation we will explain some of the key challenges and issues that we face when working on international M&A projects and the role taken by each member of the team. There will then be an interactive session focusing on a case study around key issues which regularly come up in cross-border M&A deals.

Cooley (UK) LLP – The life cycle of a product

Clients partner with Cooley on transformative deals, complex IP and regulatory matters, and high-stakes litigation, often where innovation meets the law. Everyday Cooley is finding practical solutions to global issues and delivering them, fast. One of those areas is the world of products law – you don’t hear many law firms talking about it, but it’s where we help our clients get products to market, keep them on the market and when things go wrong, deal with crisis. Be it from launching the latest wearable technology, to helping a client expand its business internally, to dealing with a multi-jurisdictional product recall and product liability claims. Come and join some of the lawyers and trainees in this highly interactive session where you will learn, in a very practical and case-study oriented style, how Cooley products lawyers manage these complexities and the roles they play in defending the commercial viability of an entire product line.  A tall order in the time we have available, but Cooley lawyers relish a challenge!

Winston & Strawn London LLP – Anatomy of an international arbitration hearing

As one of the world’s preeminent trial law firms, litigators at Winston & Strawn are known for taking “bet the company” matters to trial and delivering results for their clients. Sometimes that means a trial in open court, sometimes it means the more confidential process of arbitration.  In this session, you’ll learn about what happens behind the closed doors of an international arbitration hearing, the strategies parties use to advance their positions and how the process differs from a trial in court.  Participants will also have the opportunity to try out their own advocacy skills in a hypothetical scenario.

Addleshaw Goddard – Do you have an appetite to innovate?

At AG, innovation is business as usual for us. Our passion in this area is driven by our clients and their business challenges. We constantly open ourselves up to new ways of working and collaborate with our clients to re-design and re-invent how we shape responses that meet the needs of our clients in a changing world.

Our innovation and legal technology team at AG blends technology and legal expertise and is fully integrated into our business. We develop, test, invest in and embrace new technology on a continuous basis in order to enable the smart delivery of legal services and creation of clever solutions to clients, both faster and more cost-effectively.

Join us for our interactive workshop to learn more about the team at AG and take part in a collaborative exercise where you will use your creative skills to design an innovative solution using legal design.

Think you’ve got what it takes?

Gain insight into the career path at a variety of prestigious firms that could help you to secure a vacation scheme place or training contract in 2026.

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