What is LawCareersNetLIVE?

The LawCareersNetLIVE careers conferences are for talented students (law and non-law) who want to learn more about how to build a fulfilling career as a solicitor. The events are timed to maximise the benefit to students intending to apply for 2025 vacation schemes and training contracts.

The programme is a mix of panel discussions, workshops and networking. Specifically, it offers:

  • advice on crafting excellent applications, shining at interview and forging a successful career;
  • exposure to, and insight from, some of the UK’s – and world’s – most experienced recruiters and lawyers;
  • networking opportunities with those same recruiters and lawyers, and fellow delegates; and
  • participation in interactive firm-led workshops, which drill down into what it’s like to work in a particular practice area.

While no two firms are identical, the sponsoring firms at LawCareersNetLIVE share a number of characteristics, including that they:

  • have numerous offices in the UK and, often, in locations around the world;
  • will offer a comprehensive range of commercial/corporate practice areas, but each is also likely to have its own strong suit and may be the acknowledged experts in its field;
  • will often be involved with multi-jurisdictional matters for UK and international clients, as well as UK businesses and individuals; and
  • are likely to offer secondment opportunities, both overseas and within their clients.

Think you’ve got what it takes?

Gain insight into the career path at a variety of prestigious firms that could help you to secure a vacation scheme place or training contract in 2026.

Apply now