What stage should I be to apply?

LawCareersNetLIVE is best suited to those who’ve yet to start, or have recently started, making applications for training contracts. If you’re a first or second-year law undergraduate or you’re in the early stages of converting to law (or thinking about it) then this is a great event for you. Applications from law graduates and GDL/LPC/SQE students will also be considered.

If you’re a school/sixth-form student, we’d ask you to wait until you’re at university before applying to LawCareersNetLIVE. The events are currently not suitable for those looking to pursue the school-leaver solicitor apprenticeship route.

Applicants should have a good academic record: a minimum of 2:1 and AAB at A level. If you don’t meet these academic standards, mitigating circumstances will be taken into account. Each of the conferences is open to a maximum of 120 -180 students.

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